Category Archives: Sunflowers in Chinatown

Through the Lens Thursdays

Sunflowers in Chinatown

I’m always trying to improve my photography skills. To give me more motivation,  I’m posting one photo a week taken with my snazzie new camera. Thanks again mom and dad for my Canon Rebel t2i. I love it and you!!!

I was delightfully surprised walking home from a baseball game to find this huge sunflower in the middle of Chinatown! These flowers are one of my favorites because they remind me of sunshine, the summer, and the alarm clock from  Sister Act that repeats “get out of bed you daisy head” (I know, I know,  it’s a daisy, but I think if a sunflower could talk they would be just as cheerful). Sunflowers just seem to bring a warmth that always makes me smile.

sunflowers in chinatown

Keep smiling.


Filed under Sunflowers in Chinatown, Through the Lens